..... What if life gives you Brussels sprouts?!!
"Don't even think about it, says Lucy!!!
I know, corny! Growing up Brussels sprouts were my most hated vegetable! The trick was while sitting at the table, after everyone was dismissed, was to drop them very sneakily into my napkin. After that, I would finish the deed by the ole "flush them down the toilet trick!"
How did my sweet mother keep falling for that trick?!!!!!! Hmmmmm
You either love them or hate them!!! All of us are different individuals, with differing wants, likes, desires, hopes, dreams ..........
My silly point being that everyone's perspective differs!!! The way we look at our chronic illnesses and deal with them, are totally different than each and everyone else's way of coping with all this nonsense! And of course, our belief systems vary totally from other people's views of our situations.
I know it is so difficult, and sometimes can be so depressing, for instance, if other people think we are exaggerating our situation!!! But sometimes, if we are trying to convince people, something is wrong with that picture!!!!! Bottom line - No one is worth that much negative energy!!! If that is there perspective, than they have a right to it. Right?! But we have a right to choose healthy over unhealthy.
I have literally been talking on the phone, and if the conversation starts heading in one of those directions that may "step on my toes," I can quickly end the conversation! Set healthy boundaries!!!!!!
Well, today is just a silly day, so bear with me!!!!!
Did you hear about the weightlifting veggie?!
He was a muscle sprout!!!!! Boo
What is green and goes to summer camp?
A Brussels scout!!!
Enjoy your day as much as possible!
From Me to U!
Creativity is one way that feeds my soul.