According to Ilana Jacqueline, even before these illnesses are named, it drastically affects our life in every way. Understanding that you must acknowledge and accept what you can and cannot push yourself to do, will help to reconfigure the image of yourself. Easy, yeah right!!!!!!!
This author talks about it taking 19 years of bad colds and frequent hospital visits to realize that this might not be normal!! Wow, I am so blessed!
She taliks about being diagnosed with, dysautonomia (the dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system). "My diagnosis was irrefutable proof that I indeed had a disease, invisible or not. Finally, the shame of being called a hypochondriac popped like a bubble!!!!" But she shares how she was so resentful about all of those years of wasted time. "I was angry about how much time that I had spent wondering whether I was crazy or not!!!
We already know that there are ways to live with chronic illness, more or less. I, myself, frequently need to be reminded of that.
You will have to decide whose opinion is worth listening to, and whose you should block out!!!! It is not hard to think of those people! We need to work so hard at not internalizing other people's negative remarks and behaviors!! They probably think that I am a hypochrondriac! Personally, that thought can send me into a downward spiral. Why not say to y0urself, "I don't give a flip what they think!)
Hopefully, you can get some more ideas for daily living, even when your world may feel smaller everyday.
Being a patient with ongoing needs, multiple medications, frequent doctor/hospital visits, and with the responsibility of making life-altering choices about your future health, requires strength, smarts, persistence, and creativity. And one of the worst problems is that fibromyalgia et al, can mimic other diseases. And then the comorbidity of other diseases that you are probably experiencing,, can make your stomach fall out on the highest roller coaster!
Chronic illness isn't something that you beat or really should fight. It is not a return to normalcy. BOO HOO But as I have shared and will probably keep sharing, humor is one way that helps me greatly in this battle! I remember what it was like trying to deal with this situation; depression, fear, anxiety so much of the time. I have learned through all the ups and downs, what and who my supports are! The more time that goes by, the quicker I am at my game of alienating people that are judgemental and critical of the situation. I am not talking about acting mean, just including people into my inner circle that are loving and accepting!!!
Chronic illness is something you outsmart. Even when your world may feel smaller everyday,
Chronic illness is everywhere, and we constantly need to be reminded of that! (350,000 million globally suffer from auto immune and rare illness!)
Actually, acceptance isn't defeat; It is a declaration of self respect!!!
From Me to U!!!
Have a positive day, amid the ups and downs!!