.........THE LEAST BIT STRESSED OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I know that I am being over dramatic!!!!!!!
But I have never handled stress very well. I have shared that before.
And then factor in all of this chronic illness and pain, and sometimes it just seems almost impossible!!!!!
Do you experience that?!!! How do you deal with it? What works, does not work?
We already know this, but studies indicate that people with fibro are much more prone to suffering from stress than other people, and the stress worsens as the pain worsens!!! Duhhhhhh One study, reported in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine, asked 101 women with severe knee pain from osteoarthritis, about their stress. The researchers found that women with FMS reported much more greater levels of stress than the women with severe osteoarthritis.
In another very interesting study, researchers purposely caused the women with fibro and those with osteoarthritis to experience stress by talking about stressful events. Imagine that now with Covid and the political environment!!! HMMMMMMMM Back to the study, researchers found that the women with FMS experienced more pain with stress, but the other research group were not similarly affected. And most all people that have fibro, also in addition have ostheoarthritis, etc.
We may have forgotten what feeling plain-old normal is like! I like to play around with the word, "normal"! What is normal? No one knows!!!! WE ARE ALL A LITTLE ABNORMAL IN THIS CRAZY WORLD!!!!! I am talking about myself first, and foremost!!!!!
Like the old saying goes, if you can't laugh at yourself, life is way toooo serious!!!!!!!!!!
Some of the following factors can help us evaluate our stress level: Do You:
< frequently berate the driving of other people when driving?
< Nearly every morning when I wake up, I am worried about whether I can get everything done.
< feel like everyone is demanding too much of you, and that you are being torn apart?
< feel that if one more thing to do is added to your list, you will explode?
< My family doesn't care about helping me with my problems.
< As soon as I get home, I make a beeline for the liquor cabinet, self medicating.
< On a scale of 1 - 10, my life is a -5.
< Not remember doing anything fun for ages!
< get on average about 5 hours of sleep a night?
Well, all I know is that I feel more stressed after reading thru this article!!!!!!! WHEW
I imagine that most all of us have developed our own individual ways of de - stressing, or at least partially!
Think about your list, and on the next post, I will include the list from this particular author.
From Me to U!!!
"Hope is the light in all of us that can not be extinguished!"