...............Ha! According to Time magazine, and Laura Kubzansky and K."Vish" Vishwanath, some research on the matter indicates that people who are more optimistic or have a greater sense of purpose, have a reduced risk of developing major illnesses or minimize the impact of disease if it occurs. No whiners allowed!!!!!! Other skeptical researchers argue that the idea that greater happiness leading to better physical health is wishful thinking! There are too many factors involved!
In my opinion, the physical factors of the brain and body, have such strong infuences on the emotions and mental health of an individual, that needs to be considered in a category all by itself. For instance, it makes sense that some scientists posit that happiness and health is largely due to the fact that happier people, with higher levels of healthier positive psychological well-being, are less likely to smoke, drink to excess, overeat or eat unhealthy foods. Most of these are unhealthy, as we know, and can cut our lives short.
Darn, they say that the "prescription for Joy" will never be as easy as a pill!!!!! Oh rats!!!
From Me To U!!
God Bless U!!!!!