One author talks about Substance P as a brain/pain chemical with the main purpose of sending pain messages to the body. Normally this pain message is not a bad thing, because people need to feel pain when they experience harm.
The problem with fibromyalgia is that the pain signal is way out of proportion to minor injuries or illnesses. Dr. Roland Straud writes that people with fibromyalgia generate abnormally high levels of this neurochemical. Some studies indicate that some patients have 3 times the level of Substance P in their cerebrospinal fluid, found in the spine.
Researchers don't know whether this amount is a cause or effect when pain stimuili occurs!!!
Ah, the elusive question, what causes fibromyalgia?!! For so many of us, the answer is so complex ! In my situation, I am aware of the poor choices that I made in dealing with stress, that I believe were a major cause of the illness. But what is so interesting is looking back over my life at specific things and situations that occurred thus far, is that the causes are constantly evolving. For me, I am finding that it is not just cut and dried! And I believe that certain personality types are more prone to get the disorder.
What about your situation? In many cases, people talk about one stressor upon another stressor upon another......... Unfortunately, you can't flip a "halfway" or a "low" switch in your brain to scale things down, if your body is churning out more and more of the chemical. Per Dr. Straud, your brain's control panel may be inaccessible. Instead, medications and treatments usually need to be used to counteract the effects of the Substance P, and the accompanying array of symptoms that are associated.
Below is a list of some actions that the author lists that can aggravate an already case of existing fibro/flaring fibro:
/ Consuming copious amounts of alcohol. As I have mentioned before, people may think alcohol will help them fall asleep, but you will usually wake up in the middle of the night.
/ Staying up very late, and skimping on your sleep time. As mentioned before, this is thought to be one of the causes! This can exacerbate the pain symptoms.
/ Stressing out in a major way about your personal, work, or family problems. As we know, this can cause m a j o r / aggravation of symptoms. Do as I say, not as I do!!!!!!!! ha ha
/ Consuming only junk food, like soda, chocolate, and sugary foods and drinks: Boo Hoo No chocolate!!!!! That is not fair!! I believe in, all in moderation!! There have to be some guilty pleasures!!!
/ Experiencing changing weather conditions. You can try to wish bad weather away, but it won't matter. I actually had a physical therapist tell me one time that the idea of the weather making people achy was all in their head!!!!!! very aggravating!
Have a good day! Take care of yourself!
From Me to U!