Once people know that you frequently don't feel well, chances they will ask you how you feel all the time. We know that they usually mean well, but we also know that it can be extremely annoying. One author writes not to let this become a big obstacle for you!!!!!
If this person is a casual acquaintance, keep it brief but honest. "I am hurting, but it's OK. How are you?! I like this answer. " Well, fibro is kind of a chronic thing, so I have good days and bad days. Today is good. How is your new grandbaby?" If the person cares about us, we can give more details of course.
Fibro patients have taught themselves, consciously or subconsciously, to wear a mask for the outside world! Not talking about Covid!!! ha While we understand this, it is so unfair for us!
Speaking of masks:
The average person tells four lies a day or one thousand and sixty a year! That is a total of eighty-seven thousand six hundred by the age of sixty! Can you guess what the most common lie is?!
"I'm fine."
Let us continue to stand up for ourselves, and practice more honesty.
From Me to U!
God Bless You.
Hope in the Fog